Albatross Quiz #1

Q1. Albatrosses are large seabirds widely found in the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific. True or False?

Q2. Albatrosses are amongst the largest of flying birds. The genus Diomedea species has a wingspan as long as _________________________.

Q3. Albatross feed on _______________ by either scavenging, surface seizing, or diving.

Q4. Albatross are colonial. Colonial means?

Q5. When albatross pair and mate it is _______________________?

Q6. There are ______ albatross species of which ______ are on the near extinction list.

Q7. Female albatrosses will lay a single egg per season. It will take one year from the time of hatching for the chick to become a fledging. Fledging means, when the young bird has developed enough _______________?

Q8. Albatrosses have an acute sense of smell. True or False?

Q9. Albatross have two feet with three _____________?

Q10. When taking off, albatross need to take a run up to allow enough air to move under the wing to provide lift. True or False?


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